Support>Troubleshooting>Something’s not working when I play movies and shows. How can I fix it?
Something’s not working when I play movies and shows. How can I fix it?

What should I do if I’m unable to play any TV shows or movies from a specific app?


Try playing another TV show or movie from a different app. If the other show or movie plays correctly, contact the original app to find out what may be causing the issue.


You might also want to check to see if you experience the same issue for the same title on the same app when using another device such as a computer or phone. If you can’t play the same content on another device, contact the app to find out what may be causing the problem.


If you can play the same content on another device, check the sign in credentials for the app, or try signing into the app again.



What should I do if I’m unable to play any TV shows or movies from any app?


You can only access apps if your device is connected to the Internet. To check if your device is online, go to Settings > Network and look for a green checkmark that says “online.” If you don’t see it, you might want to try reconnecting it to the Internet or restarting your modem or router.


If your device is online but you still can’t play shows or movies, try unplugging your device, waiting 60 seconds, then plugging it back in.


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